
Whether you are an established team wanting to renew your booking or a new team looking for a pitch to play on this is the page for you. Here you can find the necessary application forms as well as the terms and conditions that all teams must adhere to before a booking can be made.

New Clubs

New clubs wishing to use sports pitches in Caerphilly county borough must apply to the Outdoor Facilities Department in writing or email before the start of the forthcoming season. This is March for bowls and cricket and June for football and rugby. If you are successful with your application, you will receive a letter confirming your allocated sports ground as well as a Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) form.

The club must read and sign the T&Cs form to confirm they will adhere to our terms and conditions. Please return the form in the envelope provided by the due date found on the form. You must also include a current fixture list and current public liability insurance certificate for the coming season. Once this has been completed your team will be able to book a fixture on the ground.

Established Clubs

As an established club who has been allocated a ground in the previous season you will automatically be sent out an application form. Once we receive your form we will allocate you a pitch and send out a T&Cs form.

The club must read and sign the T&Cs form to confirm they will adhere to our terms and conditions. Please return the form in the envelope provided by the due date found on the form. You must also include a current fixture list and current public liability insurance certificate for the coming season. Once this has been completed your team will be able to book a fixture on the ground.


Clubs who do not return their signed T&Cs form, Public Liability Insurance and their fixture list by the start of the season will be refused booking until all forms have been received.

Club Training Sessions

  • Clubs must apply in writing seeking permission from Park Services to train on the area allocated to them during any season.
  • Clubs which are allocated grounds that are used for both football & rugby called “Dual Use” will not be allowed to train on them under any circumstance. No permission for training will be granted. Clubs who disregard this condition will have their ground allocation rescinded.

Contact Information

Further information about our sports pitches and other outdoor facilities is available from our Outdoor Facilities team:

Tel: 01443 811452


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